Mayanot Application Form


We generally recommend studying at Mayanot for a full academic year. In addition, students come for just a semester or even as little as the minimum, three weeks.

Please Note:

  • The Summer and Winter Program (start and end) dates are fixed.
  • Applications are due not later than two weeks before each start date.

In selecting students for Mayanot, the Admissions Committee looks at academic ability and achievement combined with personal characteristics such as motivation, leadership ability and a desire to learn about Judaism, its people, and its history. The application questions take about 20 minutes and the essays take about 30 minutes to complete. Before you continue to the application, please have the following prepared:

  • Contact information (email & phone) for two references (rabbi, professor, employer, etc.);
  • A recent digital photograph of yourself

No Hebrew language, previous Jewish Studies background or religious commitment is required for acceptance to the Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies.

If you are having any difficulty with the application below, we apologize in advance.  Please be in touch with Rabbi Chazan directly for the Men's Program: and Mrs. Rivka Marga Gestetner for the Women's Program: and Rabbi Broh for the Post High School program: and Rabbi Yossi Shemtov for the Executive Learning program:

Program details and dates
Select the program you are applying for.

A few notes about dates

  • Before selecting dates please refer to the academic calendar to ensure the dates you select fall within one of the available programs, and not during a break.
  • The minimum amount of time Mayanot accepts on-campus students, is 3 weeks of study time.

Executive Learning Program Details

  • Before selecting dates please refer to the academic calendar to ensure the dates you select fall within one of the available programs, and not during a break.
  • For more details (including cost) see the Men's Executive Learning OR Women's Executive Learning.
  • Please choose your dates of study, noting that they must be during one of the scheduled programs listed in the calendar above.
  • The personalized program has a maximum length of three weeks and the yeshiva study program has a maximum length of four weeks.
If you are not planning to attend Mayanot for a term or semester, please fill in the dates here
Files must be less than 3 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf.
Your information
Example: David or דוד
Please enter starting with +, then country code, then your number, for example +16789991234. No dashes, commas or parenthesis.
Permanent Mailing Address
Parents' Information
Jewish Background
How did you hear about Mayanot?
Your Chabad Rabbi or Rebbetzin Info
Reference #1
 Once you submit your application, your reference will automatically receive an email from us with a link to fill out their reference form for you. Please provide non-parent references only.
Reference #2
 Once you submit your application, your reference will automatically receive an email from us with a link to fill out their reference form for you. Please provide non-parent references only.
Jewish Education

Learning Goals and getting the most out of your time with us:

  • Mayanot generally focuses on furnishing beginner students with Hebrew skills to study classic Jewish texts (Talmud, Halacha, Chassidut) independently. This usually requires some level of pre-requisite Hebrew and a certain time and progress commitment (consistency) to achieve.
  • Alternatively Mayanot has our foundational Judaic Studies Program which is more lecture based and only uses Hebrew text in conjunction with an English translation - this course level is perfect for the beginner to build foundation in Jewish thought and practice.

Which of the above options fits your learning goals more?
Hebrew language proficiency
Please rate your Hebrew language proficiency
Travel and Residency
Files must be less than 8 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.

This is the end of the application!

Please finish by submitting your application using the "Submit" button below.
Individual Contact Details